Facing Fear and Unlocking Precious Energy

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
 Dune, Frank Herbert

You may not know this about me, but I’m a bit of a sci-fi nerd. I’ve always had an affinity for the hidden philosophical and spiritual concepts in books like Dune.

A non-profit leader I coach recently reminded me of one of the most important benefits of Groundwork: it unlocks a tremendous amount of energy. As I reflected on her comment, I realized that there’s a profound reason for this.

When we address the root cause of our stressors and systemize everything external to us, fear dissipates. Fear takes a back seat because we are not afraid to face the underlying cause of why it exists, and we are not afraid of getting lost in the work in front of us.

When I coach people to release stress and burden by using Groundwork, I see both tangible and intangible potential being unlocked.

Tangible benefits, to name a few key ones:

  • Clearer priorities
  • Doable schedules
  • Productive meetings
  • Better practices and increased discipline
  • Less stress, worry, and overwhelm

Intangible benefits:

  • Greater peace of mind
  • Increased creativity
  • More energy to get things done
  • Clearer communication with others
  • Increased self-awareness

It seems obvious that producing from a place of peace is the best way to live, but the path to attaining that state isn’t always clear. We strive in so many ways to alleviate our stress—trying new tips and techniques, reading the latest self-development books, meditating, attending seminars, etc. Yet, sometimes every attempt to feel better only adds to the frustration.

What’s missing is simplicity and a complete approach to managing our work and lives from start to finish.

But you have Groundwork—a complete framework for working and living with ease, clarity, and joy. We can move beyond our fears, establish peace within, and work from that place outward.

If you haven’t been fully using Groundwork, it’s not hard to get back on track. Here are the 3 steps I always recommend alumni take to reconnect with your system:

  1. Do a full brain dump. Use the Capturing Triggers found in your workbook here. Don’t leave a single thing out.
  2. Drop In. Make sure you are grounded in being before moving into doing. Use the Drop In Meditation for alumni on Spotify or SoundCloud.
  3. Do a thorough Weekly Review. Spend 1–2 hours with your priorities, your short-term actions, and your calendar. Check list also in your workbook.

Watch relief and peace resurface. It’s not magic; it’s practice.

As always, feel free to reach out if you need support with your system. Myself and our team of Groundwork Executive Coaches are here to help you alleviate the natural and inevitable fears we all experience—and to help you unlock precious energy so you can produce from a place of well-being in both work and life.


The Groundwork System is a simple way to manage your inbox, to-do list, and calendar, and a simple way to understand and manage the triggers and pain that keep you in survival mode. 

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